0315001HXP datasheet

0315001HXP Datasheet

0315001HXP Detail Informations

Part Number : 0315001.HXP

Function : 315 Series - 3AG Slo-Blo Axial Leaded Glass Body Fuse

Manufacturers : Littelfuse, Inc

Pinouts :

0315001.HXP datasheet


: The 3AG Slo-Blo® fuse solves a broad range of application
requirements while offering reliable performance and costeffective
circuit protection.
The fuse catalog number with the suffix “ID” instantly
identifies itself upon opening by showing a discoloration
of its glass body. Guesswork and time consuming circuit
testing are eliminated. This unique design offers the same
quality performance characteristics as the standard 3AG
Slo-Blo® Fuse design.

Other data sheets within the file : 0313.010MXP, 0313.031HXP, 0313.031MXP, 0313.040MXP, 0313.100HXP

0315001.HXP Datasheet PDF Download

0315001.HXP pdf

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